1:1 Coaching
Between 1 & 3 sessions per week
Undivided attention from practitioner
In depth look at the 5 KEYS
Learn your story, learn how to empower yourself through language and evolve your story
center yourself & heal
If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 wellness coaching might be the right step for you. Book a FREE exploration call today to learn more.
SMall group coaching
Two in person sessions per week
One in virtual session per week
Accountability group chat
Personalized 5 KEYS program
Mind - Rest - Movement - Nutrition - X Factors
12-week challenge
Ready for change?
Like working in small groups?
Ready for 3 months of self-exploration and discovery?
An assessment to find where your body is out of balance.
You’ll be assigned to a group of 3 to 5 people.
group classes
(55-minute class)
> A class built for common postural imbalances
(55-minute class)
> Natural sitting positions that are hardwired into the human body
> Learn how to integrate healthy sitting into you daily life
> People who can get up from the ground without using their hands live longer, healthier lives
(30 minute class)
> Ideal for people with shoulders
> Learning to hang from a bar is essential to healthy shoulders
> Grow your flexibility, stability and strength in the shoulder joint
> Gain knowledge that will keep your shoulders healthy for your lifetime
group of 4 to 10
Pay class to class
Monthly membership option
Package options
Holistic Living virtual education
Get unlimited access to information that is simple, effective and can be practically integrated into your daily life.
5 KEYS - The Art of Holistic Living program
5 senses program
Learn the 5 keys
Principles to keep you healthy for your lifetime.
Mind — Beliefs, thoughts, emotions, postures of
Rest — Sleep, introspection, active & passive
Nutrition - Air, water, food
Movement - Energizing & energy depleting
X - Factors - Electromagnetic radiation, screen time, work environment, significant other relationships and much more.
apply the 5 keys
Information learned and never applied doesn’t get results. We are about results at Davidshealthyliving so we teach effective application of the 5 KEYS.
Week 1 - Mind
Week 2 - Rest
Week 3 - Nutrition
Week 4 - Movement
Week 5 - X Factors
Become a member of our Holistic Living Virtual Education platform. Learn to experience a higher quality of life than you ever have before.