Do we need exercise at all?

In conversations with me people are often surprised when I say in reality we shouldn’t need exercise at all…

They look at me with a look like “what are you talking about?"

In reality the human body at this point in our history is still built in such a way that movement is supposed to be a part of daily life. Our entire approach to exercise stems from a reaction to our lives being full of sitting, tv, computer and phone screens and low quality food. High quality food that is specific to human beings, high quality water and the movement required to access to it used to be what kept us healthy and fit.

So yes in the modern day era exercise programs, workout classes and the likes are necessary to counter balance the effect that modern day living has on our bodies. In reality though we’re much better off incorporating movement into our daily lives. Natural sitting positions and hanging are the two most important things to integrate. This is why I created my “Healthy sitting” group class. You learn how to integrate healthy sitting positions into your daily life that can be done almost anywhere and almost anytime.

The benefits of healthy sitting range far and wide from

  1. Better regulation of blood sugar levels due to moving the body every few minutes to change position

  2. Flexibility without a focused stretching program or yoga class

  3. Getting comfortable on the ground keeps the joints young and body vibrant

  4. Lastly when you are able to get up from a healthy sitting position without the use of your hands you will be shoo-ing away the grim reaper and simultaneously keeping your quality of life high.


The core


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